Sunday, May 25, 2008

Am i that lifeless?

Sometimes i think to myself... am i really as lifeless and most ppl claim i am? am i really as lifeless as i claim myself to be? I look in the mirror.. i smile to myself.. i don't get an answer.. I seek divine intervention, i don't get an answer.. i get on to youtube.. and i get my answer...

I'm really not that lifeless after all... there are people out there.. with the brains to think of stupid stuff.. and the fact that they CARRY OUT that stupid stuff.. earns my respect.. i yearn to be like them one day... here's an example.. hear of my super sweet sixteen? well...

That's my super sweet funeral.. how DO ppl think think of these kinda stuff? well.. i guess that's what happens when ur filthy rich with ur own movie production crew that u can produce any lame stupid clip u like..

Speaking of lame stupid clips.. how many of u liked the "star wars parody" clip i posted a few posts back? ok.. here's more stupid mtv parodies just for the sake of making this post longer LOL... AND... to prove that superstar actors can be as lifeless as i am..

Spiderman.. with great power comes great stupidity with jack black.. =)

Going on with jack black.. i'm sure alot of ppl know what a prince albert is.. if u don't.. look it up in wikipedia.. (mind u, it's rather disturbing).. again jack black, in lord of the rings..

Lol.. laughing much? well.. here's the last one for the day.. for the matrix fans out there.. (yes i'm refering to ppl like benjamin poh who doesn't read my blog so i'd have to personally ask him here to watch this LOL)

See even justin timberlake can be lifeless.. lol.. lifeless is subjective.. the way i see it.. i'm lifeless enough to go look for lifeless people doing lifeless things on youtube.. that makes me lifeless.. and to YOU who's reading this right now.. YES YOU.. YOU are lifeless for reading a lifeless person blog who looks for lifeless people doing lifeless things on youtube to post in his lifeless blog..

Everybody, in a certain way, to a certain degree is lifeless.. so SPREAD THE LIFELESS-NESS!!! out~!

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