so anyway.. it was a normal usual boring saturday.. it was SO boring that i completely forgotten what i was doing the whole afternoon.. no WAIT.. that was because i WASN'T doing anything the whole afternoon.. =.= until dinner time.. here's what happened.. I asked me mom watz for dinner.. she said she'll be making hotdog for us.. so ok.. i went to my room and took a nap waiting for my mom to call me down for dinner.. woke up at 8.. felt hungry so went down.. the whole house was dark and nobody was home.. so ok.. i thought they were gonna dapao food.. but when i called them...
me:where u all?
mom:having dinner
me:without me?
mom:didn't u go out?
mom:oh i thought u went out.. anyway we went italianies for dinner.. finishing soon d
me:wtf...... italianies....... wtf.......
conclusion.. my family never wants to take me out for dinner when it's some high class place.. =.= ended up going mamak with alyssa.. den wanted to go home d.. sam called and ask us teman him and tw for dinner.. since we were too damn bored anyway... so ok.. put the car back.. sam picked us up from my place......
So we entered the car and started thinking of places to go.. 1st choice.. penang.. but kenot.. by the time we'd reach no more food left.. den thought of maverick.. wanted to go cameron highlands, but called mav, he said the road very dangerous no light
We thought of like so many places.. until we decided to just go to kl.. walk around until we find some decent place to eat.. lol.. we ended up parking in lot 10.. den because it was like late, we had to walk all the way to some back alley to come out of the building lol..
We couldn't park here cos the parking was out of service.. =.=
So walk walk walk walk.. ended up FINALLY picking some restaurant in changkat bukit bintang named ciccio.. lol..
The KL...The restaurant.. =)
Intertior not that bad loooo.....
The guys.......
So we looked at the menu and looked.. and looked... and looked... lol.. sam and tw were like famished but me cal and alyssa just wanted a drink.. so ok.. they ordered some pizza that looked like some vege-pizza.. and me cal and alyssa ordered two cocktails.. sex on the beach and alien piss LOL..
Vege-pizza lol..
Me enjoying sex on the beach =)
Check out the stoner face mannnn.... LOL
Cal and tw enjoying their alien piss =)
So yeah.. after that we went looking for heritage row cos EVERYBODY heard of it but NOBODY knows how to get there LOL.. search the whole kl until everybody fell asleep except for the driver so we went back home LOL.. the end for saturday.. =)
THEN came sunday.. i swear it was the MOST "productive" day of my life.. i spent the whole morning stoning at my com doing nothing.. den after that went to find tw to go out.. just for fun since he was also bored out of his mind..
We ended up going to pyramid in an attempt to watch a movie.. but unfortunately the timings for EVERY single movie was so retarded that we couldn't even watch singh is king even if we wanted to UGH.. Sam was supposed to join us for movie.. he reached JUST as we found out that there's no movie to watch.. so we ended up finding calvyn who was working there.. lepak with him den go home.. LOL rox right.. we wasted 2 hours of our life in pyramid doing NOTHING AT ALL.. =)
Here comes the best part.. tw was smsing his dar jun jun, who was in midV shopping.. i bugged him to go find her but he dowan.. say that she wouldn't wanna see him anyway.. so as we were going back from pyramid.. she was also going back from midV (i knew all this from tw's sms's =)).. so since we REALLY had nothing better to do.. i suggested we go her place find her and surprise her.. he was like SHE WON'T WANNA SEE ME LAAAHHHHH.. so i took his phone and replied one of her sms's, asking her whether she wanna see tw anot.......
She ended up replying her address.. with a dare to tw saying that he won't find her anyway.. well.. normally he wouldn't.. BUT.. guess who's driving.. XD.. SO we ended up finding our way all the way to taman setiawangsa.. den he was smsing her asking how she going back.. she said taking lrt.. so we waited at the setiawangsa lrt station.. it wasn't that hard to find.. at least MUCH MUCH MUCH easier than bringing zach to find his gf's hse the 1st time around ZOMG.. kampung pandan WTFFFFFF.... *cough* anyway.. yeah so we eventually met up with his dar jun jun.. but talked a while den her mom came to fetch her home LOL..
You should have seen the look on her face.. she was shocked.. PURE shocked lol.. best quote from her "you both bian tai 1...".. lol.. watudu.. EX MAHHH!!!! =D
Then we went ALLLLL the way from that place to MURNI to eat dinner.. LOL.. then go home.. hahaha.. so yeah.. jun, if EVER u read my blog.. THIS.. is why i'm called lifeless, and belonging to a gang of exitement seeking sohai ppl called EX together with ur dar, and LOVING every part of it =D
damn long hor ur post... took me 5 min to read the whole thing leh.. >.<
can quote what i said sumore... no face liao la me.. *hides face* pls delete the memory of my shocked face la.. XD
c la... u so bian tai until ur family also don want bring u makan nice food.. XDXDXD
lol u damn jin kak hor u >< aiya.. oni fun mah do bian tai stuff =D where's the exitement in life if u don't find it urself? XD
say me jin gak sumore.. >.<"
u ask ur mom, izzit coz u bian tai so she don wanna bring u eat nice food la, sure she say yes one. XDXDXD
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