name: Sean Yap Yew Xiang
nickname: Y2X, Seany Horny, gay XD
Football position: Defender, Captain
Famous quotes: "i'm not drunk.. i'm just tipsy".. "i like sex", "I'M NOT GAYY!!!", "okok bye *slams down phone*"
Hobbies: surfing and collecting porn dota.. guitar.. dota.. yamcha.. dota..
Skillz: Ability to swim on solid hard floor, inhuman uses of the phrases "i'm on the way" and "i'll call u back", Special ablitily of breaking braces.. OTHER ppl's braces ;), e.t.c~
Name: Zachary Yeo Jian Wei
Nicknames: Zach, Z, Ah Wei...
Football position: Striker
Famous quotes: "cincai la", "NIAMA KNN CCB MCB @#$@^#$&@#$@#$^@#&*$(@#&$^@#$*!......."
Hobbies: gf... dota... initial d..... art-sy shit... lol
Skillz: Superhuman art skills (compared with the rest of ex), Super cincai attitude, Inhuman vocabulary of curse words in multiple languages...
Name:Tan Calvyn
Nicknames: Cal, calcal..
Football position: Midfielder
Famous quotes: "MY EYES ARE OPEN!!!", "hellll-lo"
Hobbies: Making stupid stupid videos like THIS.. posing half naked as seen above.. dota... gf....
Skillz: Superhuman Diet skillz seen HERE.. Incredible GF getting ability.. Super long distance relationship mantaining skillz.. Ability to see although his eyes seem closed..
Name: Sam Shin Gern
Nicknames: Sam.. lol
Football position: Midfielder
Famous quotes: "yamcha??", "cc??", "burger??"...
Hobbies: wantheng.. dota... dota....... dota.............
Skillz: Super ability of ending up in cc regardless of what he does b4 that together with tw and yh, Inhuman driving/drifting skillz, uber ghey badminton skillz, SURPRISE!!!!!(inside joke) XD
Name: Ryan Teoh Jiat Wei
Nickname: Rambo..
Football position: Midfielder/Striker (depends on situation)
Famous quotes: i dunno, TURN LEFT TURN LEFT!!! (while pointing right)
Hobbies: Lepaking in drew's house.. pool.. watching movies with drew.. LOL
Skillz: Pwnage photography skillz, pwnage badminton skillz, pwnage pwnage skills LOLWTF.. err.. insane idea generator eg: let's go genting at 2am.. let's make a vid in a graveyard at 1am..Name: Gan Han Wei
Nickname: LMF (Land Mine Face), Machine Gan
Football position: Newbie =)
Famous quotes: owellz, orite, Sad story laaaaa....
Hobbies: Dota.. study.. dota.. study... dota.. study..... (on and on and on)
Skillz: Uber popping skillz.. dancing god lol...Name: Son Win Keat
Nickname: Kit Chai, wk, kudis..
Football position: Defender
Famous quotes: ma kuku... likear (liquor).. germ (gem).. terran (terrain)
Hobbies: dota dota dota dota dota.....
Skillz: VERY POWERFUL stealing skillz.. (can steal walkie talkie from shopping complex), VERYYYYY powerful wind walking skill.. (run away from anything and everything XD)Name: Lim Teck Weng
Nickname: tetek, tw, indon, dog.... =D
Football position: Newbie, got future in Goalkeeper..
Famous quotes: lan JIAOOOOOOOO, wtf =.=
Hobbies: dota dota dota dota (n amount of times)
Skillz: Superhuman posing skillz, Crashing into cactuses, Super dog imitating ability =)
Nickname: yh, barney, yihu, yi whore, joyce..
Football position: Newbie, got future as defender..
Famous quotes: NO MONEY... NO MOOD... I UGLY LA....
Hobbies: watching BME pain olympics.. (go type that on google and watch la).. dota tfk dota tfk dota dota dota...
Skillz: Uber merendahkan-diri skillz.. ability to withstand an INSANE ammout of SICK videos.. Super ability to turn reddish-purple like in the pic above =)
Nickname: Shungz, Bear Beer, backathon
Football position: Midfielder/Striker (depending on situation)
Famous quotes: weeihhhhhh... , why like that? why cannot like this?
Hobbies: running.. running.. and more running...
Skillz: run until break pelvis bone.. running backwards.. running forwards.. INFINITE stamina..
Nickname: Jin kak, BUFF..
Football position: Defender
Famous quotes: SCREW U RYAN!!!!, shut up.. just SHUT.. UP.. I'M NOT JIN KAK!!!
Hobbies: Writing very very very long stories HERE, being jin kak, smiling jin kak, driving jin kak.. lololol
Skillz: SUPER SUPER direction forgetting skillz, UBER UBER money saving skillz (a.k.a kiamsap like shyt LOL), founder of the JULIAN syndrome, where a defender passes the ball to the opponent striker to score.. =D
Nickname: BONG, Bolice, Mav, Fat, Emperror FARKING BUFF, M, Black Hawk, Blackout, Big, Fat, Black, Beastmaster (Rexxar) =D
Football Position: EVERYTHING..
Famous quotes: haihzzzzz... walanzzzzzz... sienzzzzzzz.. "..."..
Hobbies: Managing projects, event management,
Skillz: Eating.. (15 roti canai in one meal, one fillet-o-fish in 2 bites-26 seconds, one tomato in one bite, one WHOLE barrel of kfc by himself), Footballs that leaves his leg becomes a missile, Superhuman strength (able to lift a kelisa with 3 ppl in it) LIFT... =.=
Nickname: CJ
Football Position: Striker
Favourite quote: F*ck u.. *copy paste from zachary*
Hobbies: dota dota futsal dota showing middle finger.. showing cb face.. =)
Skillz: Super Retarded BM skillz.. (can't speak bm for shytz).. Good futsal dribbling skillz.. SUPER abuse of the word f*ck =D
Nickname: ME!!!.. err.. girl, gay poser, paedophile.. =(
Football position: Goalkeeper
Favourite quote: LET'S PLAY POOL!!!!... LET'S PLAY MAHJONG!!!
Hobbies: pool.. pool.. pool... fly myvi trooper.. pool..
Skillz: VERY HUGE accident magnet thus FAST recovering/healing power xD, Has a strange attraction to girls of younger age.. Has superhuman fast reflexes, has super ability of acting/posing gay =D (as seen in pic above, although that was an OLD pic)(i miss my long hair T_T)
oh well.. those are the MAIN ppl of EX.. =D and a basic description of them.. we used to have a few more ppl.. who either went missing in action or left overseas to study or just don't mix much anymore cos stay very very far away... people like...
Football Position: Midfield/Striker
Famous quotes: STUPID HAND!!! *slaps hand*
Skillz: super duper uber computer pro dude.. moderator LOL..
Name: Navin Peow Pin Naidu
Nickname: nana banana =D
Football Position: Goalkeeper
Quotes: very good/excellent *sarcasticly*, bloody monkey..
Skillz: Poses biggest threat to drew as 1st choice keeper of EX, Left EX to hone his futsal skills to come back and pose a bigger threat to drew as 1st choice keeper.. good keeper la basically lol
Nickname: VS
Football position: Midfielder
Fav Quote: don't say f*ck (at least when he was still here)
Skillz: Uber guitar playing skillz.. super ability of pulling of a SERIOUS faking of injury.. gets VERY VERY explosive when instigated TERRIBLY.. eg (sorry to bring it up)..
Sean-dial 1-800-J-A-D...
Rest of ex- *STONE*
So well.. yeah.. other ppl who seriously MIA liao are like robbee lol..
Sorry if i missed out anybody..
Once an EX member will alwiz be remembered as an EX member... EX UNITED FOREVER!!!
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