Friday, June 6, 2008

Are malaysians stupid?

ARE malaysians really that stupid? think about it.. petrol goes up at 12.00am.. the WHOLE BLOODY country goes to jam up pertol stations the night b4.. IT'S GOING TO RAISE ANYWAY.. DEAL WITH IT... on the topic of road.. look at friggin rempits.. they are a menace to ppl like jin ka... erm.. julian... who drives like erm.... well... LESS observant and not so careful... they are a menace to themselves especially when there are ppl like ME who don't give two sh*ts if they die in a car crash.. =.=

Why wanna do stupid things that endangers others? wanna be stupid be stupid alone.. LIKE ME.. i don't do things that are potentially harmful to others.. just harmful to myself.. and it's fun.. so sue me.. bah anyway.. this is cos i saw a bunch of rempits hogging the road making a line and blocking traffic the other day.. pissed me off.. lucky there was a car in front of me.. i swear i'd have run them down.. urgh...

On a lighter note on stupidity.. sometimes.. stupidity, instead of being irritating.. can actually be entertaining... don't believe me? watch the vid........

Stupid ain't it? lol... can't actually believe there really are THAT stupid people in the world.. wanna watch more stupid stuff? catch "are u smarter than a 5th grader" on star world.. i swear u'll LAUGH at the stupidity...

Ah wellz... one more week of exam... ONE MORE.... can u feel the excitement really to just explode out of me... wahahahaha.... till then... lifeless out~

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