WASSUP peeeps~~ GUESS WHAT!!! it's time for another update!!! yayyyyyy!!!! *hears julian screaming screams of joy in the distance*.. andddddd... i'm deciding to be NICE to allllll you people.. so I shall do a blogpost filled with pics instead of being spammed with wordsss =DDD... see... i'm nice.. =)
SO!! IT'S FALL!!! well.. it's been fall for quite some time.. just that the trees were taking their own sweet time to change color.. AND even now it's still not that completely changed.. there are still shades of green... but amongst the shades of green... you get.....
Ok enough of trees..... time for... SQUIRRELS!!!!! (i know.. freaking random right.. HAHA)
I duno why.. i can imagine ben (ben poh) at the back of my head squealing *CUTEEEEE* at the next few pics... =.=...
"ur never gonna find me nuts.. NEVAAA!!!"
The next pic is like officially my fav pic of all the pics i took of autumn+squirrels to date.. =)))
"oh my heart achessss T_T"
HOKAI!! those are all for the fall pics.. FOR NOW... check back soon for more awesome colorful pics k.. =DD and now... let's talk about.. DEEPAVALI!!!!!
MaSA had a deepavali celebration.. here it's called diwali.. but no diff.. i know.. you guys were actually being happy that i'm finally doing a post without food.. right......?
Epic awesome curry =DDD
AFTER that... we went to shisha.. well.. here it's called hookah.. and apparently.. it's exactly the same as the one in malaysia.. just a LOTTTTT more flavour.. =DDD check out out...
We took passion kiss mix white peach.. (DON'T ASK ME what that is.. )
And now for the sake of not showing how superbly camwhore everybody is while shishaing, i shall only post 3 pics per person =DD hahaha.. (there were 50+ pics taken JUST while shishaing)
1st up~~
Next up, Meng Peun~!!
ME~!!!! =DDD
Last but not least~~ Alina~~ =)))
Mind ya'll.. it was meng peun's and tracy's 1st time shishaing.. already shisha like pro.. mengpeun camwhore like pro hahahaha =DDD
I like this pic. SO much. HAHAHA =DDD
Professional camwhores in action =))
Alright.. NEXT!!! lol.. there was this event that i JUST got back from.. well.. 2 hours ago.. called "light up the quad".. it was held by the indian student association in conjunction with diwali..
It was honestly kinda disappointing.. i was expecting something like.. i duno... this?
Ahhhhhhh good times.... =((( owell..
OH YEAH!! halloween is coming.. and there's gonna be a party!!! (which also means aLOT more pics for u ppl HAHAHA).. i took like a full week (what bull) to think of what to go as.. a character that would suit my personality, doesn't need a stupid costume like darth vader or chewbacca.. and well.. i would fit well in character.. and after long thinking... (about 5 minutes actually)..
I will be dressing up.. and going to the party as.....
My fav marvel character of ALLLL TIME~~~~
Remy "The Rag'in Cajun" LeBeau...
Why i picked this? For obvious reasons, I already have the length of his hair, i LOVE playing with cards, I can throw cards, and if u know the background of gambit, u'll know that my personality fits his exactly hahahaha =DDD
OMG i can't wait for halloween... Till next time~~
Lifeless.. out~!!!
and to think someone said he STOPPED smoking n shisha?
hmm..am i supposed to believe that?
Evidently not!
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